USI Application
From January 2015, each student will need a Unique Student Identifier (USI) when studying nationally recognised training to obtain their certificate or qualification from AIWT. This includes completing a certificate or diploma course at AIWT. Students will only be able to apply for a USI Number once they have arrived in Australia.
On this page you can access:
Your USI will help keep your training records and results together in an online account controlled by you.
Your USI will be used to store your training records and results each time you enrol to study with a new training organisation
By having a USI you will be able to access your training records and results whenever you need them. For example, for a new employer or when you enrol to study at a new training organisation.
Your USI can be accessed online from your computer, tablet or smartphone and gives you access to your training records and results at your fingertips.